Debug Diatomaceous Earth Puffer Bottle

A natural non-toxic pesticide

Debug Diatomaceous Earth Puffer is used to kill and control sucking, chewing and crawling insects and is made of powdered Diatomaceous Earth.

Debug Diatomaceous earth is a safe and effective way to kill fleas, and a wide range of crawling insects in the home. Ideal for treating carpets, flooring and pet bedding. It can also be used outdoors as a garden pesticide on plants.

Debug dehydrates insects that crawl over it, so you just need to sprinkle it over the area to be treated and can be easily vacuumed or washed out.

DISCLAIMER: The Ministry of Primary Industries have provided the following statement in relation to DEBug. ‘…the agricultural chemical use of diatomaceous earth has been proposed to be put forward as an exempt category at the next Regulation change. In the meantime, the ACVM Group will be working on a modified ACVM registration type for this kind of situation with very limited information requirements. Until this is in place, the product may be imported and used in New Zealand as if it is exempt from registration, as long as the applicable conditions in Regulations 7 to 13 of the ACVM (E&PS) Regulations 2011 are complied with, but this is only for the claim for use on or around plants’.


– Removes insects from carpet / pet bedding
– Non-toxic
– Chemical free
– Non staining


– 100% Diatomaceous Earth


Simply sprinkle over flooring / pet bedding as required.


400gm puffer bottle

Premium Petware FAQ


25gm Sample, 225g Jar, 1kg Bag, 140gm Shaker


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